Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute is offering free social media training to the African Nova Scotian community.

Social Media through the various channels – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc –  are important to the sharing of exciting activities and events in a timely manner. You will learn how to reach your audience with practices relevant to Covid-19 and the online landscape post-pandemic.

Course Date: Saturday, August 22, 2020   10 am – 4 pm

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 11:59 pm

What do members of our community like most about this course?

The level of interaction and Q&A

Sylvia P.

That Tash showed us each social media program works and how to maximize the reach of our audiences

Sherri C.

The ease of learning, non-threatening approach!

Winnie G.

Registration Form

Application submission is now closed.
DBDLI Social Media Program

Apply for a seat in a program that will show you how to leverage Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media platforms.